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childcare centres

Glendowie Kindergarten

225 Riddell Rd


At Glendowie Kindergarten we value tamariki as unique individuals and embrance the diverse cultures and experiences that they bring to our learning community.  We believe that relationships form a vital foundation in creating a welcoming, caring and safe learning environment where all tamariki and their whānau develop a sense of belonging.

We value and foster an awareness of sustainable practices within our kindergarten environment and wider community.  We are proud to have achieved both Bronze and Silver Enviroschool status and are currently working towards our Green/Gold. Our tamariki participate in weekly walks to the park across the road to extend their awareness and appreciation of the natural environment.  Walks to our local maunga and continued connections with our local Iwi and Marae develop an understanding of our bicultural heritage.

Glendowie Kindergarten’s passionate and qualified teachers work with children to develop and sustain their interests.  We encourage our tamariki to have inquiring minds and use a range of strategies to deepen their learning.  Teacher's foster tamariki holistic development and sense of self by nuturing their independence and social competence.  

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