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childcare centres

Choosing age appropriate toys

Auckland Playcentre Shop


When choosing toys and activities adults need to consider the age and developmental stage of their child.

A toy that is not age appropriate can lead to frustration or boredom for the child and can also be a potential safety hazard. Adults need to be aware that children sometimes ask for toys that they are simply not old enough to play with safely. The age-appropriate level for a toy, as indicated on the packaging, is determined by safety factors. Whenever buying a new toy, always read labels to make sure the toy is appropriate for your child's age.

Children's play habits and needs change as they mature. The following tips will help you as you choose toys for the children in your life. When selecting a toy, check for good construction, and make sure there are no parts that can break off or be pulled off.

  • Birth to one-year-olds use their hands, mouths, and eyes to explore. They like toys they can squeeze and touch. Some good toys include crib toys, floor activity centres, soft dolls and stuffed animals, squeaky toys, and activity quilts.
  • One to three-year-olds like to climb, jump, walk, throw, and play rough games. Good toys for this age group include soft blocks, large balls, push and pull toys, pounding and shaping toys, and books.
  • Three to five-year olds like to use their imagination. Toy ideas include non-toxic art supplies, pretend toys such as play money and telephones, teddy bears and dolls, and outdoor toys such as a tricycle with a helmet.

Also, be aware that age recommendations are only guidelines. Don't assume that the child you are buying for has the same abilities and understanding as every other child that age. Children who are born prematurely may be a few months behind average child development until about age nine. Additionally, if a child is close to the lower age limit for a toy, be sure to supervise his or her initial use of the toy to be sure he uses it safely.

About the Sponsor

At the Auckland Playcentre Shop we have a wide variety of educational toys for your child. Our range includes well designed and soundly constructed NZ made products. Our competitive prices make us your one stop shop for quality early childhood play equipment and educational toys. Experienced and friendly staff are always ready to help!

Visit our website for more information or drop in and see us.

Address:        12 Stock Street, New Lynn.
Telephone:    09 827 8648
Fax:                 09 827 8648
Email:             enquiries@aucklandplaycentreshop.co.nz