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Online advertising is targeted and measurable . With ChildcareOnline you can choose the topic page most appropriate to your product or services to ensure maximum reach.

Let's face it - parenting is an emotional topic!  Advertising online assists to promote positive associations between your product/service and any given related topic.  While New Zealanders are still reluctant to take advantage of online shopping, online advertising has been shown to improve brand awareness of products and services and click throughs (links) can increase traffic to your site.

Online advertising offers a combination of scalability, cost-effectiveness, desirable demographics, highly targeted marketing and unsurpassed tracking capabilities. Online banners combine the benefits of broadcast, print, and direct mail advertising, making them a great tool both for branding and for driving transactions.

Here are some of the benefits that online advertising has to offer:

  • Scalability
    Much like TV commercials, it doesn't cost very much to extend the reach of an online ad campaign. There is no need to print additional copies of a magazine, or to create and mail direct-mail pieces.
  • Better demographics
    The online community is more affluent, better educated, younger and more willing to spend than the population at large -- even as more and more people go online.
  • Highly targeted messages
    Unlike broadcast and print media, the Internet allows advertisers to target exactly who will see their ads, and in what context.
  • Broad and flexible reach
    While the Internet cannot yet match television's market penetration, the extent of the online audience is growing very quickly. More importantly, because online ads are bought by the impression, you can buy as much or as little of that audience as you desire. This holds true no matter how popular or specialized the site on which your ads run -- as a rule, online advertising costs depend on how many impressions you buy, not on the size of a site's audience.
  • Dynamic content
    Unlike commercials or print ads, a Web ad banner is only the beginning of the process. While your banner may present only your branding message, interested prospects can always click on it to go directly to your Web site. Once there, they can access as much material on your company and products and services.
  • Cost-effective
    Partly because you pay only for a specific number of impressions, online advertising can be extremely competitive with other forms of advertising. If you buy 1,000 ad impressions, for example, you know that exactly 1,000 people will see your advertisement.
  • Detailed tracking and measurement
    Online advertising allows advertisers to gather detailed information on who saw an ad, when, in what context, how many times and so on. Furthermore, you can get this information instantly, not weeks later when it is too late to realign your campaign. Of course, not every site is able to provide this level of feedback, and not every advertiser knows what to do with it. Over time, however, this is likely to become one of online advertising's most important competitive advantages.
  • The ability to extend the transaction
    Traditional advertising is usually a one-way mechanism. Apart from techniques like toll-free numbers and mail-in coupons in print publications, there is no way for customers to act on the information in the ad. On the Internet, however, interested customers can click on a banner, learn more, and actually make purchases on the spot.

An AC Nielsen.consult survey in 2001 of New Zealand Online Advertising effectiveness concluded that online advertising is an 'effective branding tool'

According to the results of the survey 'online advertising can boost branding metrics like top of mind awareness, key brand perceptions and intent to purchase'.

Online advertising can assist your brand by enhancing positive brand perceptions by association which is a necessary step in moving the consumer brand in hand, closer to the cash register and under leveraging Internet advertising may very well result in loss of market share.


Advertising Options for Child Care Centres

Advertising Options for Other Advertisers